Donate to Madrasatus-Salaam

Recurring donations

£5 Monthly

Set up a recurring donation £5 a month towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£10 Monthly

Set up a recurring donation £10 a month towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£20 Monthly

Set up a recurring donation £20 a month towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£50 Monthly

Set up a recurring donation £50 a month towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£100 Monthly

Set up a recurring donation £100 a month towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

One time donations

£5 one-off

Donate £5 towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£10 one-off

Donate £10 towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£20 one-off

Donate £20 towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£50 one-off

Donate £50 towards the Peace Centre Madrasah

£100 one-off

Donate £100 towards the Peace Centre Madrasah