Alhumdulillah, we are pleased to announce that Taraweeh salaah will be performed in congregation this year. To cater for our ever-growing community 2 Jama’ah will take place.
Jama’ah 1 – Isha salaah will start 10 mins after Isha start time (this will be a full completion of the Noble Qur’aan (Khatam) performed by our dear Huffaaz)
Jama’ah 2 – Start time at approximately 11.15 – Last 10 Suwar (plural of Surah) From Surah Feel to Surah An-Naas
There will be no booking system for Taraweeh salaah (the same applies to the 5 times daily salaah).
Admission will be on a first come basis. Once the masjid is full for Jamaat 1 musallees will be requested to attend Jamaat 2 or attend another Masjid. We humbly ask that you come to the masjid in good time. Please be considerate of our volunteers if this situation does occur. We have to maintain the safety of our congregation and not be open to any investigation which may lead to possible closure.
Jumuah salaah must be booked via the weekly link – visit our website’s homepage for more info & to book.
Ramadan bayan (lecture) programme timetable will be confirmed shortly.
No I’itikaaf will be taking place – this will be subject to review.
Eid programmes will be communicated nearer the time.