Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 17
Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 17 A basic element of belief in the Oneness of Allāh is understanding that Allāh manages all affairs and is able to do all the things; Allāh is the Creator, the…
Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 17 A basic element of belief in the Oneness of Allāh is understanding that Allāh manages all affairs and is able to do all the things; Allāh is the Creator, the…
Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 16 Ibn al-Mubārak رحمه الله had a Jewish neighbor. He would always feed him before feeding his own children and would provide clothing for him first and then for his children.…
Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 15 Al-Shāfiʾī, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “I accompanied the Sufis and I only benefited from two of their sayings. First, ‘Time is a sword; if you do not…
Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 14 There are rights that are owed to Allah (Ḥuqūqullah) and rights which are owed to the servants of Allah (Ḥuqūq al-ʾIbād). Examples of the Rights of Allah are: Falling short…
Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 13 For anything that you spend, Allāh ﷻ gives you a return from His unseen treasures – at times, within this world and at times, in the Hereafter and at times,…
Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 12 Every person will taste death. There’s no doubt about it. We were not made for this world. We were all made for the hereafter. This life is merely a passing…