Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 18

By AssalaamAdmin

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 18 Most Scholars of the early generations were poor; needless it is to say, then, that they did not have beautiful houses or nice cars. Yet, despite this, they led fruitful lives, and they benefited mankind, not by some miracle, but because they used all that they were given, and spent…

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 17

By AssalaamAdmin

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 17 A basic element of belief in the Oneness of Allāh is understanding that Allāh manages all affairs and is able to do all the things; Allāh is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Lord and Master of the universe. As such, Allāh knows better about every individual’s best interest than them…

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 16

By AssalaamAdmin

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 16 Ibn al-Mubārak رحمه الله had a Jewish neighbor. He would always feed him before feeding his own children and would provide clothing for him first and then for his children. Some people said to the Jewish neighbour, “Sell us your house.” He answered, “My house is for 2000 dīnārs. 1000…

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 15

By AssalaamAdmin

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 15 Al-Shāfiʾī, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “I accompanied the Sufis and I only benefited from two of their sayings. First, ‘Time is a sword; if you do not slay it, it will slay you.’ And the second: ‘Keep your soul occupied with good, otherwise it will keep you…

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 14

By AssalaamAdmin

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 14 There are rights that are owed to Allah (Ḥuqūqullah) and rights which are owed to the servants of Allah (Ḥuqūq al-ʾIbād). Examples of the Rights of Allah are: Falling short in the duties and obligations like Ṣalāh, Ṣawm, Zakāh and Ḥajj. And the examples of the Rights of the Servants…

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 13

By AssalaamAdmin

Ramadhaan 2022 – Day 13 For anything that you spend, Allāh ﷻ gives you a return from His unseen treasures – at times, within this world and at times, in the Hereafter and at times, in both. We see that water comes down from above, animals and humans use it freely, needs of farms and…