Do you have no one to get your basic daily groceries?

By AssalaamAdmin

Coronavirus self-isolation and NHS staff support in Leicester The Peace Centre in Leicester operates a food bank throughout the year. Given the Coronavirus / Covid-19 pandemic outbreak across the world in 2020, the Food Bank is supporting local communities in Leicestershire through its free food parcel distribution delivered to the doorstep of the most vulnerable…

Upcoming Event: The Autism Community Club

By AssalaamAdmin

YAY!!! IT’S ON AGAIN!!! The Autism Community Club @ The Peace Centre! Does your child have autism? Are you finding it difficult to socialise for fear of your child being judged or reprimanded just for playing in their own special way?Do you wish you could just let off some steam by talking to someone about the…

Autism Community Club: 17th November

By AssalaamAdmin

Autism Community Club: 17th November Alhumdulillah the Autism Community Club event held at The Peace Centre was fantastic with many people from the community attending & benefitting from the different activities, workshops & support that was offered by our valuable volunteers. The second of its kind at The Peace centre, it has been welcomed very appreciatively…


By AssalaamAdmin

Madrasatus-Salaam – Evening Muktab classes The NEW ACADEMIC YEAR starts on Monday 26 October in sha Allah Come & visit the Madrasah, see the syllabus, meet our friendly & caring staff and enquire about what we have to offer! Classes run Monday to Friday 4:30 to 6:30pm. Subjects taught: The Noble Qur’aan TajweedAhadeethAqaaidFiqhSeerahAkhlaaqSuwar Charity & Community…

Food Bank: 6th November 2019

By AssalaamAdmin

Food Bank: 6th November 2019 A lot of volenteers joined us on last Tuseday evening and Wednsday Morning to help sorting and packaging donated food items to prepare for the food bank starting at 10:30am on Wednsday 6th of november. The food bank organaised by the peace centre helps releive part of life hardship of…


By AssalaamAdmin

Before You Apply Code of Conduct: Volunteers must uphold the public trust and act in an ethical manner. Our commitment to the highest level of ethics is demonstrated by our core values of respect, accountability, partnerships, responsiveness, commitment, integrity, and perseverance. Volunteers need to stay from 9:30am to 1:00pm. Perform all duties with honesty and…